advanced approach to manage whiteheads

A New Advanced Approach to Manage Whiteheads

Adopt this new technology to manage whiteheads

Suffering from whiteheads? Explore our complete guide to get rid of whiteheads 

Whiteheads- these tiny white bumps are actually open pores that become clogged with sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells. To truly rid yourself of whiteheads, it is important to go a little deeper and use a formulation that is powerful enough to differentiate the bad bacteria from the good and act only on those without disturbing the skin’s natural microbiome balance. But, before we get into that, you need to understand how whiteheads are formed.

The skin cells regenerate and shed in phases. During this process, keratinocytes (a type of skin cell) move to the skin’s surface. When this cycle is disturbed, excess keratinocytes and sebum accumulate in the skin follicles, resulting in whiteheads. 

Acnes bacteria are prone to grow in this lipid-rich environment inside the skin follicles. The bacterial load grows to form tiny lesions under the skin, which appear as white bumps (heads) called comedones. These comedones do not have openings – hence, they are difficult to access and remove. 

It’s not only bacteria that causes whiteheads!

“Is my skincare routine wrong? What can be the reasons for whiteheads even with a dedicated skincare routine?” The most overlooked reasons and answers to all your questions are below.

An inadequate skincare routine can leave your skin oily and clog the pores, leading to whiteheads. Fluctuating hormones can also give rise to several skin issues like cystic acne, blackheads, and whiteheads. An increase in androgen levels during adolescence can lead the oil glands to grow resulting in whiteheads.  Another important aspect is a lifestyle – an imbalanced diet made up of a lot of junk food, stress, and poor sleep can give rise to whiteheads too. For instance, consuming high GI foods can cause insulin to spike and this disturbance to the metabolism can indirectly cause acne. Sleep deprivation can again disturb your hormonal balance, leading to whiteheads or other forms of acne.

acne face troubles

How to get rid of whiteheads?

Experts recommend using technologically advanced formulations for healthy skin. These science-backed technologies can also help you eliminate whiteheads, like the high-science TT technology. This combination of thymol and terpineol (TT) is clinically proven to work on opening the skin’s follicles and clearing whiteheads. 

TT technology uses thymol and has a higher capacity to penetrate the P. acnes bacterial cells. On the other hand, Terpineol reduces the hyperproliferation of keratinocytes and promotes the homeostasis of skin regeneration. Together, they normalise sebum production, thus encouraging healthy skin growth. Hence, when thymol and terpineol are used in combination, a definite balance can be achieved. 

Research has proven that a combination of 0.1% thymol + terpineol in an acne serum reduces the bacterial load in whiteheads to a level close to the normal level from day 7, and acne scars within a fortnight. In other concentrations, 0.35% thymol + terpineol reduces acne from day 3, with an efficacy 2.5 times better than that of 2% salicylic acid.

Whiteheads can be annoying and require more attention in your skincare routine due to their complex nature. It's not only the environment but also certain bodily changes that you must look into. Eliminating the dirt and debris accumulated in your skin’s pores is one way of clearing whiteheads and attaining an even skin tone. In this regard, TT technology has proven to help clear the debris of dead keratinocytes and sebum that cause whiteheads by targeting P. acnes bacterial growth at the root. Moreover, unlike the current solutions available in the market, it does not damage your skin and helps restore naturally glowing skin. In today's technologically advanced world, one must go for these clinically proven solutions for a comprehensive remedy.

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