Salicylic acid for acne

Salicylic acid may not be your all-in-one solution for Acne!

Salicylic Acid: Why you should avoid & what to use instead

Is Salicylic Acid for the skin: Is it good?  

Salicylic acid, formulated using phenol and sodium hydroxide, can help with mild acne breakouts. Though deemed a popular acne remedy, it is not suitable for acne-prone skin and may harm your skin. The main reasons for acne are bacterial proliferation, skin inflammation, abnormalities in sebum production, and follicular desquamation. Many ingredients available today, including salicylic acid, are formulations that cannot effectively differentiate between good and bad bacteria on the skin. Salicylic acid kills both bacteria, disturbing the microbiome even further.

Why you should avoid salicylic acid

To begin with, salicylic acid is not a smart skincare solution for the reasons mentioned above. Some people may also experience dryness, burning sensation, irritation, and redness after using salicylic acid. Continued usage may also render the skin sensitive to sunlight and increase the chances of sunburn.

Retinol with salicylic acid is also a frequently found combination. However, it has been known to result in dryness and induce chemical changes that render the skin reactive to light. Glycolic acid with salicylic acid is also sold as a chemical exfoliator. Again, a combination that may lead to skin irritation and redness.

Vitamin C with salicylic acid can disrupt the pH balance of the skin. While vitamin C keeps the pH level on the average side, the acids and peroxides nullify the effects of vitamin C and may decrease the skin's pH level.

The aim should be to prevent further damage to the skin and restore balance in the skin's microbiome through advanced and science-backed solutions like TT technology.

Advanced TT technology for best results

Here comes into picture the TT technology - a revolutionary, first-of-its-kind formulation to resolve acne and its various types like cystic, nodular, hormonal, and genetic. It is a high-science duo combination that efficiently targets all the major causes of acne, with an efficacy superior to any available solution on the market.

salicylic acid serum for acne

Transformation of skincare with TT technology!

TT technology applies the dual power of terpineol and thymol–both naturally occurring alcohols. 

Instead of working only on the surface, they penetrate deeper to kill both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and restore the skin's natural microbiome. Thymol creates holes in the pathogenic bacterial cell membrane, and terpineol prevents efflux of the elements cytotoxic to bacteria. Thus, the harmful acne-causing bacteria are effectively eliminated when remedied with the balanced blend of terpineol and thymol.

Most importantly, the TT technology can reduce acne and visibly minimise acne breakouts in a few days. Clinically backed, thymol + terpineol as an acne cleanser is 2.5X better than 0.5% salicylic acid and can reduce acne from day 3 of usage.

Choosing the right skin care formulation to diminish acne can be a tedious task, but one worth your time. Select skin formulations that have been technologically-driven and backed by experts, such as TT technology, which is safe and efficient in reducing acne and giving you healthy skin.

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Acne Spot Correction Regime

Reduces acne in 3-7 days

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(91) 5.0

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